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AUTHORSPRISON'S$1000PRISON'SBLOODY IRONDeadly Knife Fighting Tactics RevealedHarold James JenksMichael H.BrownHarold James Jenks practically grewMichael H.Brown served in the U.S.up behind bars spending all of hisArmy Airborne,101st and 82nd (2teenage years in jails,reformatoriesyears each)1960-1964.Leadand prisons.Jenks was not free untilparamilitary attack against pro-he was 24 years old-learned how toCommunist rioters in San FranciscoenksByfight as a matter of survival.On theduring 1966.Put scores of Commies"outside"Jenks used knowledgein hospital while suffering no casual-Harold J.Jenksacquired in prison for jobs managingties themselves.In the Summer ofandunruly customers in nigh tclubs.etc.1967 Mike lead an armed confron--getting upwards of $500 a day fortation against the Black PantherMichael H.Brownoccassional "trouble-shooting."Inheadquarters -the Panthers backedaddition to knowledge acquired indown!In late Summer Mike lead 34prison Jenks dealt with knife expertsmen in an attack against over 7500on the streets whose tricks,movesCommunist "peace marchers"put-and expertise had been passed downting scores of them in the hospitalfor generations -such as the "twirl"Mike founded the Iron Cross Motor-and "moves with the ice-pick grip."cycle Club in June 1968 and servedJenks'forte in prison was his abilityas California president through 1970.to command,control and "'move'onServed time in Lewisburg Terreother prisoners when the occassionHautefederal penitentiaries (3%required.Jenks is currently theyears)for the August 6,1974 at-national president of the Iron Crosstempted dynamiting of the UnitedMotorcycle club,formerly based inNations Building in New York City.Southern California and has servedMike was introduced to the use oftime in Leavenworth.Chillicothe,the "shank"(homemade knife)byTerre Haute,St.Petersburg,NTS.other convicts in the machine shop atLewisburg.
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